Prof. George J Georgiou,
Ph.D., D.Sc (AM)., N.D., M.Sc., B.Sc., C. Psychol., AFBPsS., C.Biol.,MRSB., RMS., FAACS., ABS., ACS., DipION., M.H., AMH., GCRN., MRNI., FBIH.,ESLM.,BSIO.,ACCT.,ICM.,
Dr. Georgiou specializes in many aspects of Holistic Medicine such as naturopathy, herbal medicine, thermography, iridology/sclerology, homeopathy, VEGA allergy testing, Bioresonance therapy, Live Blood Analysis, Rife technology, Pulsing Electromagnetic Field (PAPIMI), Hyperthermia, Oxygen therapies, MRT, HRV, ART, Orgone Accumulator, Psychotherapy and Naturopathic Sexology.